Get Started

Looking forward to getting started? If you already have Jaspion installed, let’s see how to make a minimal application.

Show me the code

Every Jaspion application will start with a simple structure like this:

from jaspion import Jaspion

app = Jaspion(host='', port=8021, password='ClueCon')

def heartbeat(event):

if __name__ == '__main__':

Understanding Jaspion

Let’s better understand the code:

  • To create a jashpion instance, four arguments are required: name, host, port, and password.
    • name: Positional argument that serves to name the instance in its representation.

    • host: The FreeSwitch address.

    • port: The FreeSwitch connection port.

    • password: Password used for ESL authentication.

  • To add functions as handlers for specific events we must use the decorator handle. it receives a string with the name of the event as an argument.

  • Below the decorator we must have a function that receives a single argument (an event) this argument will be a dictionary that will have the same key: value scheme of the selected event.

  • The function can apply the logic you want to in the package, such as expand, save to a database, or whatever you prefer.

  • Finally, we can call the run method so that app starts receiving the events.

Choosing Events

You can work on any event that FreeSwitch generates via ESL. Just be aware of the fact that if the searched event is a CUSTOM, you must enter your subclass name. The FreeSwitch documentation has more information about events.