********************** Commnad Line Interface ********************** Let's imagine a simple project, which is all defined in the file ``vanila.py``. Let's also imagine that the source code looks like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from jaspion.sketch import Sketch poke = Sketch(__name__) @poke.handle('HEARTBEAT') def heartbeat(event): server = event['FreeSWITCH-Hostname'] now = event['Event-Date-Local'] print('[%s] Recived a "heartbeat" from %s' % (now, server)) In cases similar to this (one or more defined and correlated sketches) you can run the project using the Jaspion CLI. See the example: .. code-block:: bash :linenos: export JASPION_APP=vanila:poke jaspion runserver # Try to connect in esl:// # Listner: Sketch(name=vanila, events='HEARTBEAT') # [2019-06-04 08:35:12] Recived a "heartbeat" from PABX Settings ======== To configure the CLI you must use the following environment variables: +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | Name | Description | Default | +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | JASPION_APP | Application to be inspected. | N/A | +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | FSHOST | Address of freeswitch. | | +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | FSPORT | Port to connect with ESL. | 8021 | +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ | FSPASSWD | Password to connect with ESL. | ClueCon | +-------------+-------------------------------+-----------+ Special attention should be given to the variable **JASPION_APP**. It identifies the import path of the project master sketch and must be defined using the following syntax: - ``:`` If application is not defined, its default value will be `app`, that is: - ``JASPION_APP=vanila`` - ``JASPION_APP=vanila:app`` Are the same thing. Application Factory =================== Taking ``vanila:create_app`` as an example, if ``create_app`` is a function, it will be invoked and if its return fosters a ``Sketch``, it will be used. more about this concept can be seen `here`_. Example ------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: from jaspion.sketch import Sketch def create_app(): poke = Sketch(__name__) return poke Commands ======== The following is a list of available commands and their parameters. runserver --------- Command used to start an application. Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^ +----------+------------------------------+----------+-----------+ | Name | Description | Required | Default | +----------+------------------------------+----------+-----------+ | host | Address of freeswitch | yes | $FSHOST | +----------+------------------------------+----------+-----------+ | port | Port to connect with ESL | yes | $FSPORT | +----------+------------------------------+----------+-----------+ | password | Password to connect with ESL | yes | $FSPASSWD | +----------+------------------------------+----------+-----------+ .. _here: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/patterns/appfactories/